Today, UNC Pembroke celebrated its 137th year as an institution!
Today, UNC Pembroke celebrated its 137th year as an institution. Current students, Alumni, County Commissioners, as well as many others from the community joined the celebration! Croatan Normal School, as the institution was originally called, was established with 15 students in a single building. UNC Pembroke is now home to more than 8,300 students. The ceremony was extra special today as many descendants from the original founders were in attendance as well as some of the eldest living alumni. The current oldest alumni is 96 years old. She was joined by her daughter, granddaughter, as well as great-granddaughter, current Ms. Lumbee Ashtyn Thomas. The (7) seven founders’ of UNC Pembroke were Isaac Brayboy, James E. Dial Sr., Preston Locklear, W.L. Moore, James Oxendine, John J. Oxendine and Olin Oxendine. We are thankful that these seven founders, and their wives, had a vision to create a learning environment that has withstood the test and trials of time! HAIL TO UNCP!