Lumbee Chairman Lowery Honors Former Student Joshua Oxendine as He Prepares For Championship
On Friday, Lumbee Tribal Chairman Lowery had the opportunity to honor one of his former students MMA Mixed Martial Artist Joshua Oxendine as he dropped by the Lumbee Tribal Housing Complex. Joshua is preparing for one of the biggest fights of his life coming up on February 18th at the Myrtle Beach Sports Center. He will be fighting a Main Event for the professional next level championship. He took a few minutes today to share his story. Fighting for 7 the past 7 years, Joshua is from Pembroke and an enrolled member of the Lumbee Tribe of N.C. Chairman Lowery taught Joshua World History at Purnell Swett High School when Oxendine was in 9th grade. Chairman Lowery presented Joshua with a beaded Eagle Feather to honor him. Joshua is a former Marine and in addition to being an MMA Fighter, he owns his own gym in Charlotte. Joshua received many well wishes by the Lumbee Tribal Staff today and he will also be signing autographs on Sunday, February 20th at Biggs Park Mall at Top that Dessert Bar in Lumberton.