Honor Cord Ceremony is April 25th | Applications Available Now
On April 25, 2024, the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina will honor all Lumbee High School and College Students, who are potential 2024 graduates in the Lumbee Cords of Honor Ceremony. Applications are now being accepted for graduates to apply. These cords represent this important milestone in the life of our Lumbee Students. The cords comprise the colors of the Lumbee Tribal Seal and the Medicine Wheel. This symbolism represents the four directions, four seasons, as well as our sacred path in life.
The application is available for download here and once completed, you may upload the application to a google form at https://forms.gle/DbwMB7Esjb2jmaPS8
The application must be fully completed, signed by a school counselor or college advisor, and returned by April 5, 2024 by 5:00 pm to the Lumbee Tribe of N.C. Please email or hand deliver your application to the Lumbee Tribe of N.C. Housing Complex at 6984 NC Hwy 711 West in Pembroke. (Attn: Cords of Honor) Or Email to : cordsofhonor@lumbeetribe.com. Students must be actively enrolled. Enrollment Office information - 910.668.6099 or 910.521.7861 or email the Enrollment office at enrollment@lumbeetribe.com
**Please note: Students that graduate(d) in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Fall 2024 may apply for a Cord of Honor. Due to the limited seating available, this will be a ticketed event and graduates MUST RSVP to attend. Each graduate may bring (2) two guests and show their tickets at the door to be scanned. As your life moves into future directions, we wish you success and honor your accomplishments. Education is a core value of the Lumbee People. We know it is our path to success. You crossed this milestone. We want to celebrate your journey.