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We Still Believe

Bible Drill Students Receive a Standing Ovation Following Presentation to Lumbee Tribal Council

Bible Drill participants from the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association received a standing ovation for their Bible knowledge during a Bible Drill and Public Speaking Demonstration at the Lumbee Tribal Council April Business meeting tonight. Three students shared their speeches, while the other students showed off their knowledge of the Bible by finding verses or Bible chapters in just seconds. There are four levels of Bible drill competition. These Burnt Swamp Baptist Association students have already competed at their churches. Three of the drillers will go to the state level. One of the public speakers is on the way to the state competition. The other two public speakers will compete this Saturday to determine if they will proceed to the state finalist drill. The ones that win at the state level or best of the best win a $2500 scholarship and will go on to the national championship in Dallas Texas. Robeson and Hoke County have had several Bible drillers who won the state competition, competed at the nationals and at least one to win the national level, who was Taylor Oxendine.

The Lumbee Tribal Council presented them with a Lumbee Tribal pin and a blanket. To watch the full presentation,


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