Applications are now available for the Lumbee Tribal Scholarship Award 2023
Applications are now available for the Lumbee Tribal Scholarship Award 2023. The deadline to apply is May 19th, 2023.
1. The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina will be awarding scholarships to current college students enrolled for next semester and entering freshman. Applications will be competitive. Scholarships will be awarded to students attending a technical, two or four-year college, or university.
2. Professional individuals in the field of education will weigh academic achievement, grade point average (minimum of 2.5), Native American cultural involvement, career plans, extracurricular activities, community involvement, and your essay for the award.
3. Applications must be received between April 13th through May 19th 2023.
4. Applications will be accepted by mail or you may bring the completed application to the Tribal Complex in a sealed envelopment. Applications MUST be accompanied with an official transcript signed by a guidance counselor in a sealed envelope and postmarked no later than May 19th, 2023. Official transcripts may also be sent via e-transcripts to on or before the deadline date of May 19th, 2023. If you have any questions about the application, contact LaKishia Sweat @ 910-522-2188.
Mailing address: Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina Education Committee/LaKishia Sweat 6984 NC HWY 711 W. Pembroke, NC 28372
5. Applicants must be tribally enrolled with an active membership and must also provide their tribal enrollment number on the application (a copy of tribal card must be included).
6. Applicants may apply annually.
Click here for the full application.