Amended: RFP and RFQ for Engineer and Architect
Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina
Honorable Tribal Chairman Harvey Godwin, Jr.
The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina is soliciting SEALED Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s), / (RFP) Request for Proposals mailed or hand delivered, until 3:00 p.m. on Monday, March 14th, 2016 bids will be opened on Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 at 11:00 am in the Conference Chambers at the Lumbee Tribal Housing Complex, located at PO Box 2709 (6984 NC Hwy 711 West) Pembroke, NC 28372- ATTN: Anthony Holden.
This solicitation is for architectural services (Percentage rate) and/or Engineering related to all commercial construction projects for a three year period through September 2019. Architectural services are to include all architectural, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical engineering related to these projects. Civil engineering/services (hourly rate) are to include design for all site layout, streets, curbs, gutters, surveying/staking, and erosion control measures/permitting. A schedule of fees and list of qualifications is required to constitute an acceptable proposal. Proposals may contain either architectural, engineering, or both services.
All qualified proposals meeting required terms and specifications will be evaluated and approval made by the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina to constitute the most responsible/responsive bid for the services requested. An award shall be made to the qualified Tribal and /or Indian-owned economic enterprise or organization with the lowest responsive bid and the bid is within the range of 10% of the lowest non-tribal members bid. If no responsive bid by a qualified Tribal and/or Indian-owned economic enterprise or organization is within this range, award shall be made to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder that is most advantageous to the LTNC.
Contact Anthony Holden at 910-522-2223 or email at the Lumbee Housing Complex located at 6984 NC Hwy 711, Pembroke NC for questions on this project.
The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals presented and the right to waive any informalities or irregularities.