The Lumbee Tribe offers New Construction to low-income families who potentially would not be eligible for conventional loans through a lending institution. The homeownership program is for qualified first time homeowners. The Lumbee Tribe will construct the home and act as the lender. Homes may be built on the owner’s land, or in a tribal subdivision. The New Construction program operates on a first-come, first-serve basis; therefore, there is a waiting list.
To Apply, the applicant:
Must have an annual family income sufficient to pay mortgage, utilities, insurance, taxes and upkeep;
Must have the potential for maintaining at least their current income level based on the national median income guidelines;
Must be a first-time homeowner;
Must be an enrolled Lumbee;
Must be at or below 80% of the national median income; and
Must have an approved criminal background.
The applicant may not have received prior housing assistance from the Lumbee Tribe or any other governmental housing agency for construction of a new house, and must be willing and able to meet all obligations of the Homeownership Program.
Anthony Pevia
Director of Housing
Phone: 910.668.0573
Email: apevia@lumbeetribe.com
Patrick Hunt
New Construction Manager
Phone: 910.522.2203
Email: phunt@lumbeetribe.com
Kent Deese
New Construction Coordinator
Phone: 910.521.7861
Email: kdeese@lumbeetribe.com
Ivory Henderson
Project Lead Manager
Phone: 910.668.2473
Email: ihenderson@lumbeetribe.com
Scott Ransom
New Construction Coordinator
Phone: 910.522.2214
Email: sransom@lumbeetribe.com
Terry Locklear
Quality Assurance Manager
Phone: 910.668.2473
Email: telocklear@lumbeetribe.com
Loretta Jones
Contractor Compliance Specialist
Phone: 910.522.2225
Email: ljones@lumbeetribe.com
Patrick Dial
New Construction Coordinator
Phone: 910.668.2480
E-mail: pdail@lumbeetribe.com
John Oxendine
Cost Analyst
Phone: 910.522.7861
Email: joxendine@lumbeetribe.com
Rose Oxendine
Administrative Assistance
Phone: 910.668.0573
Email: reoxendine@lumbeetribe.com