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Down Payment Assistance Program

Megan Kozman

Marlas Hunt

Megan Kozman
The Down Payment Assistance Program provides housing opportunities for qualified, low-to-moderate income tribal members. This one-time assistance affords tribal families an opportunity to purchase decent, sanitary and safe housing. Down payment assistance in amounts ranging from $10,000 to a maximum amount of $20,000 are available to approved applicants. The amount of assistance is based upon the applicant’s household income.
Applications are accepted for down payment assistance from applicants who meet the eligibility requirements, which include, but are not limited to, the following:
Applicant must be an enrolled member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina.
Applicant must have obtained pre-approval from a financial institution.
Applicant must be at least 18 years of age.
Applicant must be a first time home buyer.
Applicants for down payment assistance must not have received prior housing assistance from the Lumbee Tribe or any other governmental housing agency for the construction or purchase of a home. Tribal members who receive down payment assistance must agree to use the home being purchased as their primary residence during the term of the agreement. The down-payment assistance program is now open nationwide to Lumbee Tribe enrolled members.
Applicants who receive down payment assistance will no longer be eligible for home ownership, rehabilitation, or additional down payment assistance from the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina.
Applications for down payment assistance are accepted Monday - Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The following documents are needed to apply for down payment assistance. Applications will not be accepted without all supporting documentation for each member of the household.
Down Payment Assistance Checklist:
Copy of applicant’s current tribal enrollment card
Copy of applicant’s picture identification
Copy of social security cards for all household members
Copy of birth certificates for all dependents.
Proof of income for all household members
Pre-approval letter (loan application will be required from lender)
Copy of deed to property (if purchasing a double-wide or modular, or building a new home)
Criminal record checks will be performed for all household members 16 and older.
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